Entries in Jackie and the Treehorns (13)


Jackie Prints

Here are some test prints for the Jackie and the Treehorns' release party on May 12.


The J Album is out

The J Album by Jackie and the Treehorns is out today! I was able to meet the deadline and finish up the 17 page booklet for them. You can look at the design in my Images section or you know, go buy their album. You can also listen on every streaming service. It's definitely worth it. Support the Arts.


Update on The J Album

So I finished designing the cover for The J album the other day. And the band, Jackie and the Treehorns, signed off on it. So things are set. Actually, the final version was based off a mistake I made. And that mistake just open up everything. Now I just have to finish the rest of the booklet. Now, I think, I can started making some prints. Again, no pressure.

Also, I'm actually posting on instagram now: @madeinabearica



The J Album

So after a lot of hard work The J Album by Jackie and the Treehorns will be released on May 1 on all the streaming services and such. And they are having a release party in D.C. on May 12th. Now I just have to send then all the artwork and the 19 page ditigal booklet. Yeah, no pressure.



Jackie warming up

Just got word that The J. Album from Jackie and the Treehorns is almost mixed. Then off to get mastered it will go.