Entries in ABEARICA (133)


In the studio

Hey, I look busy in the studio. Or am I just listening; trying to stay out of the way?


Artwork for Made of Shadows

This is what the artwork for Made of Shadows looked like. So at one point, we had a different title for the project. Well, basically for the entire project. I had actually printed up all of the posters with that title. Then of course at the last minute, I had to say to Rubin and Berger, "I like the title, but it doesn't fit. Can you all explain it to me?" No one could. Then Berger said, "how about Made of Shadows?" So I started to print up 200 more posters.






Saw Turbonegro last night. They really put on a great show and they are just a blast to see. I really didn't take any photos because I really just enjoying the show. But I did take one photo blast. You can find much better shots from the show.



What's he doing in there?

Oh, just a random door in the side of a mountain? What is going on in there?


Come on now

Yeah, the last thing you want when you are jerking from the blocks at 90% is for your shoe to rip in the middle of your lift. Come on Adidas, bring back the wooden heal or get your shit together. 4 weeks until next comp and I have to break in new shoes? That just sucks.